What Shall You Diffuse Today ~ Choose Carefully

by | Sep 10, 2021

John 4:39-40 And many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified, “He told me all that I ever did.”  So when the Samaritans had come to Him, they urged Him to stay with them; and He stayed there two days.  And many more believed because of His own word.

Have you ever used a diffuser?  I love diffusers and I usually diffuse essential oils almost every day and now that I figured out that spiders don’t like Peppermint I may be diffusing a lot more of that.  Seriously though when you diffuse an oil your whole house fills with it and can benefit from it. You want to choose your oils carefully though because they will fill the house and affect everyone in it.  

We have the same capability.  Whatever you are carrying inside you today is what you are diffusing to all of those around you.  So stop for a moment.  What are you diffusing today?  Are you dispersing God’s love all over your home or office or school or grocery store, or are you full of anger, frustrations, and hopelessness?  You personally have the ability to change the lives of those around you by all that is inside you for the good or the bad.  Just like your body carries what you feed it, your heart and mind carry what you feed them and what you feed them is what you will diffuse to the world around you.

This Samaritan woman was so taken with Jesus that she just had to run back to the village and tell everyone that the Messiah was there.  She was so filled with excitement they followed her even though they probably didn’t necessarily believe her.  The passion she allowed Jesus to fill her with is what brought a whole village to Him.  Do you have that kind of passion about Him?  Would you like that kind of passion for Him?  The way she did was by getting to know Him and taking Him at His Word.  It begins with accepting Jesus as your Savior but it is not supposed to end there, that is just the beginning. Our passion for who He is should be continually growing not subsiding.  Our desire for others to know Him should be stronger, not less than it was in the beginning.  We grow cold in our walk with Him when we are not spending enough time with Him or we just get so locked into what we “know” that we are never growing and learning something new.  The most exciting and life-changing thing you know is Jesus!  Does who He is get diffused to those around you or do you keep “that oil” in the drawer, knowing it’s there but not seeing the need to diffuse it?  

If you want more of who He is to shine through you then you must continue to pursue Him and don’t try building a box around what you will allow Him to teach you.  This Samaritan woman knew what she had been taught growing up and yet was willing to accept Jesus’ teaching and Who He is.  Get to know Him.  Allow Him to fill you with all that He is so the people around you can’t help but see Him.  The world needs Jesus and each and every one of us is called to reveal who He is.  Trust Him.  Pursue Him with your whole heart.  Share Him with everyone He brings across your path.

Quote:  “It’s not where you start, it’s where you finish that counts.”  ~ Zig Ziglar