Ephesians 6:10-11
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.
Do you ever feel as though you just don’t have the strength to fight just one more day? You don’t have to somehow come up with the strength yourself, this verse is clear that you can be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power! I have had times when I have prayed and told God, “this is just too much! I don’t have the strength to fight one more day.” and He tells me over and over, “Janet, you are trying to do it in your strength instead of resting in mine! Stop trying to figure it all out and stop trying to make it through another day in your own strength!” There isn’t a verse in the Bible that will tell you that you have to come up with your own plan or do it all in your own strength! It says quite the opposite actually!
You aren’t going to have a day on earth where satan isn’t trying to trip you up! This is his territory and he hates you and wants to destroy you on any level he can. Don’t give him a foothold! He is patient and he likes to start subtle. It may be something as simple as a tv show that leaves you feeling a twinge of conviction because of the content, but you watch it anyhow because all of your friends are wrapped up in it and slowly you let your guard down to the sin that once was as black as coal to you. Christians are becoming more and more complacent to what is right and wrong and that leaves open doors for satan! Taking a stand for what is right begins in your own home! The world will continue to become more and more crazy if we don’t even stand up for what is right and wrong in our own home! Would Jesus sit and watch that show with you? Would he find all of the sexual innuendos funny or the naked and half naked people ok, etc.
The battle with satan is real and he is after your home! He will do his best to convince you that those books and tv shows aren’t a big deal, or having lunch with someone of the opposite sex at work isn’t a big deal, after all you are just friends and you need someone to talk to! Those are open doors and satan is looking to just get one toe in at a time, if necessary. He will take whatever opportunity he can to go after you, your marriage, your children and your testimony!
God wants you to have victory in every area of your life and He wants you to walk in His strength to do it! So, what would you rather do: let satan get his toe in that door or have the strength of God to slam that door shut on his foot!? I choose slam the door! I choose to take inventory of books and tv shows and movies. My prayer is for God to reveal anything in my life that needs to go ~ won’t you join me today and do the same? Show us anything that we have a death grip on Lord, that needs to go and that is standing in the way of a closer walk with you! In Jesus name……
The best is yet to come, if you are walking with Him!
“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t ~ you are right!” ~ Henry Ford
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