Matthew 8:8
But the centurion replied, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof, but only say the word, and my servant will be healed.”
This man knew that there was nothing he could do to even be worthy of being in Jesus presence but he also recognized that Jesus was capable of anything. He had incredible faith! Where is your faith this morning? It is when you are in your darkest moments in life that you really need to pray and have faith in God that He will heal you and your situation. Whether it is physical healing you need or a broken heart that needs mending or your finances need healing, or relationships, or your children, whatever it is, God can fix it. Faith in God is one of the single most important things in your situation.
Our words can affect that process because our minds are powerful things! Your body will listen to the simplest suggestion that are put in your mind so we must guard our hearts and minds at all times. Bill and I were talking about crazy diets we have tried over the years and we were laughing because back in the day we had both tried that crazy diet where all you do is eat this vegetable, cabbage soup and drink water for 10 days and you were supposed to lose 10 lbs! I was so excited and so faithful on that diet and I didn’t weigh myself all week because I didn’t want to get discouraged if it wasn’t happening fast enough. Finally that last day came and I got on the scales and to my horror I had gained 10 lbs. Ladies your mind is a powerful thing and mine had decided that due to the lack of nutrition in all of my fad diets it needed to hang onto everything I ate because it figured I must be in a land of famine! If that could happen without my making negative statements about myself then just exactly what do you think can happen if I confirm negative thoughts about myself and my situation by speaking them!
I don’t know what type of healing you need today but I do know that we serve a mighty God who can heal anything! He loves you and wants to heal you on every level. Take the time today and thank Him for who He is and for the power He has over your life!
“If you want to know where you will be in five years listen to what you are saying to yourself.”