Who Loves You

by | Sep 3, 2018

Isaiah 48:17

This is what the Lord says – your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel:  “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.

Are you open to His teaching you what is best for you or are you set on what you believe your life should look like and how it should go?  I believe we all have times and ideas that we are sometimes hard pressed to change when it comes to what we want in life.  It is easy to get locked into a mindset, and romanticize how we feel things should go.  Unfortunately we live in an imperfect world and life just doesn’t work out like a fairytale.

God knows you better than you know yourself!  He knows every talent He created you with and He knows who and what will best suit you for the life He created you for.  He knows what will truly make you happy and where you will truly feel fulfilled and successful.  Are you open to what God wants to teach you?  Are you open to His truth or is your mind set like a steel trap?  Life is full of lessons!  Every day we have choices to make and there are lessons that can be learned that will draw us closer to Him.  If your desire is to be used by God to the fullest degree then you must be open to His teaching and leading.  A lot of times we seem to think that if we are that open to God’s leading then all of our dreams are going to go right down the drain but the reality is that God more than likely put those desires and dreams in your heart, He just wants to show you the best way to get there!  As I keep saying, ‘don’t buy satan’s lies’, he wants to keep you from all that God has for you!  He wants to keep you from having the faith and confidence you need to be successful!  He wants to keep you from listening to the heart of God.

Stop for a moment and think……. Who loves you?  It certainly isn’t the devil!  Choose today to allow God to direct you!  Pray and ask Him what His dreams are for you and your life!  Seek His heart in all that you do and trust Him to show you what is best for you!


“You can’t be a smart cookie if you have a crummy attitude.”  ~ John Maxwell


Please take a moment and share your prayer requests and pray for others as well:  CLICK HERE

CHECK OUT OUR NEW CATALOG!!  I want to share with you a new addition to Chocolate and God:  We now have a new way to be able to support Chocolate and God and receive beautiful jewelry at the same time!  A lot of our jewelry can be personalized with Monograms, or your favorite verse or quotes or names!  Please check out our catalogs by clicking here   A HUGE Thank you to those who have placed orders, I so appreciate your support!

1 Comment

  1. Dana

    Dear Janet,
    Wonderful message – thank you for always placing our focus on Him. God bless you 🙂