John 13:35
By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
What is it about being a woman that leaves us always feeling threatened by other women? There seems to be a deep seated competition deep within women and it makes no sense. If you watch men, they don’t seem to feel threatened by every man that crosses their path. I’ve never heard that a man looked at another man and had thoughts of: “oh look, he’s more handsome than I am”, or “he’s built better than I am, my wife is bound to be more attracted to him than me, I better keep an eye on him.” or, “his hair just looks perfect, I just hate men with perfect hair.” or “I bet he just doesn’t eat and that is why he is so thin”! Sounds silly when you think about a man thinking or saying those types of things and yet women do that all the time!
I have found that I have to ask myself when stupid thoughts about other women come into my head, “what is it that is making you feel threatened by her Janet? Is it reality?” So often it is our own insecurities that bring on those crazy thoughts and competition, but what is their root? 1 Peter 5:8-9 says, “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world.” Satan loves to add to your insecurities about yourself and he loves to cause issues between women. He fears you and what you could accomplish. Ladies, you are a force to be reckoned with when you come together! Do you realize how often in history just 1 woman has changed a law in this country? Think of the difference we could make in the world if we quit competing with each other and we came together to fight for the cause of Christ? God made you beautiful and He made you special! He created you to be you and in His eyes you are perfect and equipped to do great things! You don’t have to be like “her”! You need to be the best you that He created you to be! You don’t have to feel threatened by anyone, the Almighty God created you too and He loves you the way you are! Don’t allow Satan to hold you back by making you feel as though you are not enough or you are too much!
The next time you feel threatened by something someone else is doing or how they look or how talented they are I would encourage you to ask yourself why that bothers you! Why do her talents threaten you, you have your own talents and gifts? Why are you threatened by the way she looks, she has issues she is dealing with on her own? Those other women you think have it all together have their own wounds and insecurities and are struggling in their own ways. Stop allowing Satan to make you feel threatened and come together so you can strengthen each other and do more for God! Don’t allow him to ruin your day by making you feel as though someone else is better than you are ~ no they aren’t, that is a lie from hell!
Pray today and ask God to help you understand the Princess He created you to be! Ask Him to help you recognize when you are allowing Satan to make you insecure by another woman’s presence. Ask Him to strengthen you in who you are in Him! Let’s come together and pray for each other (prayer requests will be posted later today) and encourage each other to be all we can be for Him! The best is yet to come!
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent!” Eleanor Roosevelt