by | Aug 31, 2015

worlds largets

Ladies, get ready to join me for a ton of fun.  I want to invite you to the worlds largest chocolate party.  Let me tell you why I am doing this.  As you know over the last five years we have not asked for donations to support our ministry.  Chocolate and God has been my gift to you.  We are currently at a point with an expense that we are not able to cover.  The Chocolate and God blog needs to be upgraded Screen Shot 2015-08-27 at 12.53.55 PMwith new software.  It’s been a few years since we have done this.  Our current site isn’t even covered by tech support because of the software.  The cost for our upgrade is $400.00.  This is the reason for the worlds largest chocolate party.  You are able to buy chocolate and at the same time support this ministry so we can upgrade our blog taking it to a whole new level.

So many ladies are blessed daily with this daily devotional.   I have received letters from women all over the world who are using Chocolate and God to reach women around them.  We have  had women in 125 different countries around the world that have been reading these devotions.  Please join me in this to reach more women for God!

Our worlds largest chocolate party is going on Monday – Monday August 31st through Monday September 7th.

Janet Scott

Janet Scott

My family and I have tried a number of the items that are for sale and they are amazing.  Needless to say the chocolate didn’t last long.  This chocolate is not available in stores and it is absolutely amazing!  I love the Chocolate Brownie Truffles and the Chocolate Covered Cinnamon Dusted Almonds, oh and the Brownie Truffle Mix as well as the White Chocolate Blondie Mix and Molten Lava Chocolate Cake Mix…… Okay, well I just love it all!  🙂  Please take a look to see if there’s something you would enjoy and at the same time be a part of reaching more women around the World!  If you have any questions about how to order or any other opportunities on my site:  CLICK HERE TO ORDER  Please feel free to contact me at [email protected]  and thank you again for partnering with me to reach more women!

God Bless,

Janet Scott