Year End Need

by | Dec 28, 2015

Ladies, as we end 2015 Chocolate and God could use your help.  I believe that 2016 is going to be a great year.  Our new web site and prayer room will open in January.  Honestly I am so excited about 2016 and the new things Chocolate and God will be doing.

Women in over 70 countries are reading Chocolate and God.  The Lord has opened the doors for me to provide Christian stations a sixty second feature that airs daily on 70 radio outlets, as a matter of fact Bill and I will be in the studio recording those spots this week.  Bill and I will also be recording Reality At Home, our podcast again.  Coming soon another free book will be available that you’ll be able to sign up for and there are talks about publishing my new ladies devotional so you can have it in book form as well.

As you consider your year end giving, would you keep Chocolate and God in mind.  Chocolate and God has some expenses that are facing the ministry.  Your gifts are tax-deductible.

  • Studio equipment – A few pieces of our studio have to be replaced in the new few weeks so I can continue to record weekly Chocolate and God features that are heard on 70 radio outlets.
  • Advertising – It’s time to use Facebook and Social Media to advertise Chocolate and God so more ladies can find this community.  With Facebook we can gear our ad’s to ladies who are searching for Bible studies.  In 2016 I want to be aggressive in reaching out to ladies world wide.
  • Website Costs – To help cover the costs of server space, upgrades and monthly costs on keeping our online ministry going.  Thanks to some of you ladies we have the cost of building the web site covered.

The goal is to raise $3,000 by the end of the year.  Please know there is zero pressure to give, only do so if you feel this is something the Lord has laid on your heart.  Thank you for praying for Chocolate and God.  I am so excited to partner with you in reaching ladies in 2016.  If you feel giving to Chocolate and God is right for you please CLICK HERE to make your donation.  All gifts are tax-deductible.  Happy New Year!

God bless,
Janet Scott