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2 Corinthians 5:14-15
For the love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died; and he died for all, that those who live might o longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised.
Who controls you? Who controls your thoughts, your words, your actions? Who controls your thoughts,words and actions when it comes to other people? Do you feel as though maybe you are a bit above allowing God to control your thoughts about the people you come in to contact with? Do you even think about how you think about others? How do you think and talk to yourself?
There are times we conquer our thoughts about ourselves but we forget that negative thoughts about others are felt by them as well. For some reason God has given me a very intuitive and keen sense of those things and I have had times when I felt almost dirty after having been around someone who thought they were several steps above. Why do we do that people? God is working in each persons life where they are for a reason and it is for His purpose and His plan and there is no reason to look down on them because at that point you are telling God that His plan and His way isn’t perfect because that person doesn’t quite measure up to where you think you are in life. Maybe in God’s eyes the opposite is true and maybe you need to focus more on your walk with Him. Stop looking around and look up. Stop measuring where you are in life by those around you and start comparing yourself to Christ. God wants you to control your thoughts about others as much as He does your thoughts about yourself. Your thoughts are felt more often than you know. Stop looking down on others and look up to Christ.
If you are feeling low today and struggling with your self-talk or maybe feeling like you somehow don’t measure up to someone else, remember that the only thing that matters is what Christ has to say about you. It is who you are in Christ that no one else can take away. Remember: “no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” (Eleanor Roosevelt) Focus on God and ask Him to help you become all He created you to be. Brush off the negative from others and focus on Him.
Who do you live for? Is the core of who you are based on God’s word and Who He is? No matter what it is you do in life, it should be driven by a passion to serve God in all that you do! We are all called to different tasks in order to fulfill God’s plan and what you do is not nearly as important as the attitude you do it with! God wants everything about your life to reflect Him. He wants His love and mercy to pour out of you in a way that will show every one you come in contact with that He is present in your life!
I would encourage you to ask God today if there are thoughts, behaviors or attitudes that need to change in you today, whether it is about you or others. Ask Him to help you to be more like Him in all that you do. The best is yet to come!
“Our words reveal our thoughts; manners mirror our self-esteem; our actions reflect our character; our habits predict the future.” William Arthur Ward