Your Words…………

by | Jun 5, 2017

Please take a moment and share your prayer requests with us today:  CLICK HERE


1 Thessalonians 5:11
Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

Are we building one another up and encouraging one another? Or are we trying to pull ourselves up by tearing each other down? How do you talk to your spouse? How do you talk to your children? How do you talk to your friends? How do you talk to yourself? How do you allow other people to talk to you?

Ok, let’s take a moment and do a little evaluating:

  1.  So, about that spouse of yours……. do they feel more confident in who God created them to be after having spent some quality time with you or do they feel like they have just been through the wringer? Our main goal in marriage should be to help each other be all we can be for God. If all you can think about is what you should be getting out of it, it will never work! Look for ways to build each other up, don’t use ugly words with each other that tear down and wound!
  2. What about your children? The Bible tells us that children are a heritage from the Lord, do you see them that way or are they just a pain? When you talk to your children do you do your best to build them up into all that God created them to be? I used to even tell my children that they needed to be nice to each other and protect each other because the world would be hateful enough. Home is supposed to be a safe place. Children should not be afraid at home! If there is one place on earth they should be able to count on feeling the love of God and confident in who they are, it is at home!
  3. When your friends and family see you coming do they think; “oh, no, here she comes ~ what is she upset about now?” Or are they excited to see you, knowing they will feel better for having spent time with you?
  4. Now, how do you talk to yourself because that is where it all begins! If you can’t talk nice to yourself, how do you expect to talk nice with anyone else? If you are using degrading self talk you need to stop now! God created you with a purpose and all negative self talk does is hold you back from all God created you to be! When you are mean to yourself, you are buying Satan’s lies and walking hand in hand with him to defeat you! Stop it! Write out some positive affirmations and keep them with you and repeat them out loud several times a day until they sink in!
  5. Here is another big one: How do you allow other people to talk to you? Do not accept or allow verbal abuse! If someone is verbally abusing you I would encourage you to read the books “Boundaries” and “Boundaries in Marriage” by Henry Cloud and John Townsend. They will help you learn how to set healthy boundaries for you and others so you can be all God created you to be! You do NOT deserve to be talked to like that and you cannot afford to just accept it because you will miss out on the life God has for you!

Words are so important, they can bring life or death to relationships! We must build each other up and encourage each other! This world is a crazy place lately and we can all use the positive encouragement that comes from words that are seasoned with the Love of God! As my Dad always used to tell me, “think twice before you say anything!”
“Evidence is conclusive that your self-talk has a direct bearing on your performance.” Zig Ziglar